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An expedition to Kenya with 100 Humanitarians International promises an unforgettable journey filled with service, culture, and an epic safari. You will engage in life-changing service projects, aiding local communities through sustainable food, clean water, education, and health. You will immerse yourself in Kenyan culture, learning Swahili phrases, sampling diverse cuisines, and participating in vibrant dances. Visiting traditional Maasai villages offers a glimpse into age-old customs. Amid this transformative experience, you will embark on an epic safari, exploring Kenya's breathtaking national park, the Maasai Mara. In this untamed landscape, you encounter the "Big Five" and countless other species, creating memories that blend service, culture, and the wonders of the wild.

Upcoming Expeditions

February 2025

Open Trip

Team Lead: TBD

6 Spots Available

March 13-23, 2025

Open Trip

Team Lead: Heidi Totten

7 Spots Available

April 4-13, 2025

Youth/Young Adult Trip

Team Lead: TBD

7 Spots Available

June 19-29, 2025

Open Trip

Team Lead: Amy Roberds

7 Spots Available

Watch our most recent expedition webinar!

  • Everything you need to know to join us on an expedition to Kenya

  • Information on what is included/not included

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • What projects we will be working on!

We hope you will join us on a future trip!

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Cultural Immersion with the Maasai

Life-Changing Service with Families

#1 Safari Destination in the World

Sample Itinerary (Each Trip is Unique!)

Day 1 : Leave the US

Depending on where you are flying from, you will arrive at the airport 3 hours before departure. After checking in, meet the team and get to know each other! You have a long flight ahead, so make sure you have water and snacks if you need them. Plenty of movies on board to watch, and there is always napping.

Layover meals not included.

Day 2: Arrive in Nairobi at Night

Phew! That was a looong flight, right? After we are picked up at the airport by our expedition team, you will be transported to our hotel, where after a short debriefing, you will settle in for the night. Bring earplugs, or download a white noise app for your phone to drown out the animal noises from the nearby Nairobi National Park!

We arrive very late to the hotel, so typically we eat snacks if we are hungry.

Day 3 : Travel Day

Make sure you have access to snacks, because today we are heading out of Nairobi to our first location. We will stop and take team pictures and enjoy the gorgeous views of the Escarpment, before descending down into the Great Rift Valley. We'll get checked in and enjoy a fabulous meal as we get settled into Kokoo's Guest House.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Dinner (we snack along the way for lunch)

Day 4 : Meet the Maasai/The Cultural Experience

One of the most beautiful aspects of our trips is cultural immersion, and there is no better way to get to know the Maasai than to visit their church services. Get ready to sing and dance, as the Maasai take the lead. Then, learn about how families live and work as we visit a traditional Maasai village. You will enter as visitors, and leave as family. This is the first place you can buy souvenirs for your people left at home.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 5 : The Garden Tower Project/Safari

Every team has the opportunity to build garden towers with families, so grab your gardening gloves and get to work! Our Community Directors are there to help you, as well as interpret the challenging Maasai language. These garden towers can feed a family of 5 up to 5 meals a week, so the more families we can help, the better. After lunch, jump in the jeep, because you are going on safari! Bring your cameras, water bottles, wipes, and snacks!

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 6 : The Garden Tower Project/Water Project

Today is a busy day, as we work with more families building garden towers, and we also work on a water project. This could include delivering water tanks to families to capture rainwater, or it could include helping to preserve a spring to bring clean water closer to families. Make sure you take breaks when you need to, and get to know the people you are serving.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 7: Water Projects

The Water Projects continue today, so we hope you slept well. One of the biggest challenges on the Maasai Mara is lack of water, for both the people and their livestock. Maasai families survive by breeding and selling cows and goats, so having the access to water is critical for their survival. Every drop is precious!

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 8: Full Day Game Drive

Today is the dream! You get to wake up before the sun, and get in the jeep for an all day game drive. The goal is always to see the Big Five on an expedition. Will you be lucky enough to see the rhino? Will the stealthy leopard show itself? Anything goes, and every safari is totally different. And tonight back at Kokoo's Guest House, you are in for a real treat.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 9: Drive to Nairobi for Outbound Flight

Say goodbye to our beautiful friends on the Maasai Mara, because we are on to our next adventure with a different tribe - the Kalenjin. We will be heading up the road a bit to Bomet County, where our teams have built thousands of garden towers with families. You will experience a new culture before heading back to Nairobi for your flight home.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 10: Arrive Home

We are so grateful that you joined us on our Kenyan adventure! We hope that your experience was incredible, and that you will join us again in the future.



Each expedition is priced based on the schedule. Prices range from $4250 - $4950 + Flights, Travel Insurance, and eTA (previously VISA)


We provide all tips on expeditions. so that you don't have to stress about having extra cash on hand.

Payment Schedule:

Because we are not a travel agency, we prefer each trip participant to pay in full use a credit card if you need to make payments. If you need to do a two payment plan, you can make arrangements with our accounting department.

Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel: The trip is non-refundable; we require trip insurance. Once funds are sent to Kenya, it's not possible to get them sent back to the U.S.


No vaccines are required to enter Kenya from the United States.

Expedition Testimonials

I went with 100 Humanitarians to Kenya this last June. What is being done there through this organization is incredible. Families are able to thrive due to sustainable food resources, education in how to garden and being provided easier access to water. This trip was a life changing experience and I will absolutely be going back in the future. There is a true love that has been built between Kenya and all that volunteer through 100H.

-Faye-Dawn O.

They are committed to the work they are doing in Kenya. I saw first hand the fruits of their labor. Their philosophy to help the Kenya people to help themselves is about long term sustainability. I am highly recommending my friends and colleagues to get involved with 100 Humanitarians.

-Star O.

Awesome group with amazing in-country leadership. We left knowing that our efforts and funds were in good hands and would help more people than we could ever do on our own. Their goal of teaching one so that they can teach others is having exponential results.

-Emily G.

Amazing organization!

Best I have ever been involved with!

-Traci G.

Our 16 year old daughter went to Kenya with Heidi and 100 humanitarians. She still talks about it and the life changing impact is it had on her. We love the mission and the passion with 100 humanitarian. We will be sending her again!

-Christie N.

100 humanitarians does amazing work! I have been fortunate enough to go to Kenya twice and help with sustainable projects. I absolutely love this organization!

-Renae S.

Our 16 year old daughter went to Kenya with Heidi and 100 humanitarians. She still talks about it and the life changing impact is it had on her. We love the mission and the passion with 100 humanitarian. We will be sending her again!

-Christie N.

100 humanitarians does amazing work! I have been fortunate enough to go to Kenya twice and help with sustainable projects. I absolutely love this organization!

-Renae S.

I have been extremely blessed to have 100 Humanitarians introduced to me. I went on the March 2019 trip and was blown away at the service opportunities 100 H is providing to the good people of Kenya. I will continue to seek to participate and support 100 H in any way I can and look forward to the opportunity to return to Kenya and serve my friends and family again.

-Allen R.

I have been to Kenya twice with 100 Humanitarians. This last trip I took my 11 year old daughter with me. I will never be able to properly explain how being involved in these projects have help my life and the life of my family. I can only hope that what I have contributed has helped an ounce of what I have received. My heart will never be there same. I have also made life long friends and connections...which in my opinion is the most important part of Humanitarian work...the people!!!

-Mel B.

I've been to Kenya 8 times now and I can't wait to go back! From teaching skills to building garden towers and training centers together to make and impact, 100 Humanitarians has it right. I have been changed for the better from my experiences. Kenya has my heart, the people are amazing and welcoming. I've learned so much from them.

If you have the chance, come be part of this wonderful organization.

-Marissa W.

I've fallen in love with the work we do in Kenya. On both trips of which I've been a part, I've witnessed the pure love of spirit touching spirit. When we donated a cow to one lady, the entire village came out to greet us with a song of thanks that we could hear a quarter mile away. You can't imagine what an incredibly life-altering experience that is! On the other trip, we built fences for garden areas to keep out livestock (think chickens and goats) and let the plants thrive. And thrive they did!

Oh yes ... and safari. Never a bad thing. :)

-Chris M.

I took my family to work with this incredible organization just a couple weeks ago. Their connection with the community, their ability to have everyone actively participate, the culture.... everything was incredible. I worked hard, saw incredible sights, cried and built new friendships. My daughter's (ages 8 and almost 10) were inspired and loved the experience as much as I did. We plan on volunteering next year as well.

-Lynn M.

I was told that I would go to Kenya to serve the people there but would soon discover that Kenya would serve me and my 13 year old son.

That was exactly what happened. I laughed, cried, and loved the Kenyan people. We helped them to build garden boxes, build fences and assisted them in creating sustainable resources that would help them year after year.

I love the fact that this organization doesn't simply give a hand out but gives a hand up instead. Helping the Kenyan people feel empowered to help themselves fosters a sense of independence and success- which is what the people want.

These beautiful people love with their whole heart. They want to improve their situations and allow future generations a better life.

-Wendy B.

Taking my two boys to Kenya was one of the best things I've ever done. When the thought first popped in my mind, I brushed it aside, thinking there was no way. We had too much going on, we couldn't afford it, it would be better to wait. However, for some reason I kept feeling this pull and I finally decided I knew I had to do it. I didn't know why or how, but I knew I had to. I followed my intuition and the universe took care of the rest.

There are no words to describe and do it justice. The land, the people, the service, the gratitude, and the love is greater than anything I've ever experienced. It opens your heart, healing you and all those around you. The only way to change our lives, is to change our heart. My boys were able to experience this early enough in their lives that they will forever be changed because of it. In a lot of ways we were stagnant before we left, but we all came home ready to accomplish whatever the universe brings our way. I don't know when or how, but I know I will be going back to Kenya again.

-Holly K.

My daughters and I just returned from our expedition with 100 Humanitarians a week ago and will be forever changed from the experience. We're already talking about when we can go back!

What I love about this organization is that they truly create self reliance within the communities they work with. It really is about giving them a "hand up" rather than just a hand out. I can't wait to see the continued progress in upcoming expeditions.

I also can't say enough how much we appreciated their team IN Kenya. Christine, Anita, Moses, David, John, and David...all of whom made the experience even much more special as they shared personal stories, taught us about their culture and saw to our safety and comfort. ❤

-Millie H.

Going to Kenya with 100 Humanitarians International was a life changing trip. The dedication of 100 H in helping families become self-reliant is unmatched. What I love about their vision is the idea of helping the people of Kenya learn skills to better their lives while not trying to change their cultural beliefs or values and not coming in to "save the day" with a handout. Teaching families how to vertically garden in order to have more food stability, providing better and cleaner water sources, educating youth about menstruation and providing reusable products is all part of what 100 Humanitarians has done. 100 H has changed lives by teaching skills that can be passed from person to person and generation to generation. They are making a difference and it shows. If I could take everyone I know on a trip to Kenya with 100 Humanitarians, I would. What an amazing nonprofit that is changing lives!

-Loree R.

Awesome group with amazing in-country leadership. We left knowing that our efforts and funds were in good hands and would help more people than we could ever do on our own. Their goal of teaching one so that they can teach others is having exponential results.

-Daren G.

For now, my days in Kenya are over, but my heart will always be there. I worked hard and gave my strength and my heart. However, I left Kenya with more than I gave. The gifts given me can not be measured in dollars and cents but rather the immeasurable worth of life's purpose. The greatest lesson is that we are more alike than I ever imagined. The ONENESS of human needs and happiness is burned in my heart. I said goodbye to my African sisters until we meet again.

-Mary C.

My first trip to Kenya was in Sept 2021. I went with many family members. I had no idea what to expect other than Allen (my brother) told me to just let Kenya love me and just be open to anything. I had no idea what he meant at the time but now understand it completely. I came home with my family doubled and feeling more at peace with myself and the world than I had in a long time. Since that trip, I have returned 4 times to my Kenyan family that just keeps growing. I am involved in helping families have sustainable food, clean water, and education. My life has been changed because I let Kenya love me. I am now trying to give back all that Kenya and its people have given me.

-Amy R.

Team Pictures Since 2016

May 2016

June 2016

October 2016

November 2016

March 2017

June 2017

November 2017

March 2018

June 2018

November 2018

February 2019

March 2019

June 2019

October 2019

November 2019

February 2020

March 2020

April 2021

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

February 2022

March 2022

June 2022

October 2022

November 2022

February 2023

March 2023

June 2023

July 2023

October 2023

November 2023

100 Humanitarians International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and all donations to 100 Humanitarians International are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. EIN #82-1048388

South Jordan, Utah
